The Crucial Benefits of Choosing Student Attendance Management System in India

Crucial Benefits of Choosing Student Attendance Management System in India

This is a very common sight in educational institutions all over the world to see teachers taking the attendance of the students at the beginning of every school day and sometimes even multiple times through the course of the day. Even in virtual classrooms, taking attendance is a mandatory routine at the beginning of every class. Therefore, being able to track a student’s attendance, helps teachers to understand the average percentage of students attending school every day in a specific year. However, there are a lot of disparities and disadvantages of using a manual attendance system. Thus, you must use online student attendance in India.

The Purpose of online student attendance in India

The key purpose of any student attendance management system in India is to automate the attendance process. However, apart from that, there are a few more important reasons to invest in a student attendance management system. They are as follows:

  1. Attendance Tracking in Real-Time

Online student attendance in India helps in tracking and storing attendance data in real time. Apart from the student and staff attendance, the system helps school admins to maintain and track the leave applications, lunch breaks, arrival & departure times, and vacations of staff members.

  1. Automating the Payroll Process

When the payroll management software is fused with the attendance management system, the payroll process is automated and much more efficient. The school HR can track the leaves and absences of the staff members all at one glance. Also, it helps in adjusting the salaries as needed based on the information. With the system, it also reduces the chances of errors in the payroll system. Since the biometric system calculates the exact working hours and holidays, the HR team is much less susceptible to make errors and tabulating the payroll.

  1. Instant Notification to the Parents

With the integration of online student attendance in India, it allows schools to track attendance through biometric data. The data is in real time, and the software sends automated emails and messages to the parents for notifying them immediately if the child fails to make it to class.

  1. Better School Security

Online student attendance in India comes with biometric software that makes sure that not just the students but also the employees with valid biometric credentials can have access to the school. The institution can also alert the parents about visitors during school hours and keep a track of them.

Primary Features of Student Attendance in India

  1. Biometric Integration

This is one of the main features of biometric integration. A student attendance management system integrated with Biometric RFID device so that attendance can be automated. This saves a lot of precious classroom time.

  1. Tracking Attendance in Different Formats

With an advanced student attendance management system, the educational institution offers the school with the flexibility to track students and staff in different formats – full-day, half-day, monthly, weekly, or even subject-wise.

  1. Tracking Attendance through Mobile App

In most of schools, teachers record attendance in front of the whole class. However, when you have online student attendance in India, it enables faculty to manage attendance from any location.

  1. Monitoring Leave Request and Tracking Latecomers

The online student attendance management system in India, it tracks latecomers. Also, it allows emergency leave approvals. For instance, an employee can request leave from the dashboard. This will notify the reporting manager and can approve the request instantly.

  1. Leave Management & Employee Attendance

With an online attendance management system, you can manage the attendance of every school staff including the teachers. This simplifies the management of employee attendance, leave requests, punctuality and automates the process of employee salary calculation at the end of the month.

  1. Comprehensive Report Generation

While using an online student attendance system in India, all the attendance is stored in digital format. Therefore, it makes things easy for the school admin to generate staff and student attendance reports in the format that they want.

Some Final Words

These days, student attendance management is becoming more and more crucial because they are becoming a part of the digital revolution, taking over schools all over the world. They are increasingly getting popular in educational institutes because of the numerous benefits of the school. Are you in search of the best online student attendance in India? Get in touch with us today! We simplify school administration and management. Our objective is to offer reasonable and cost-effective ERP solutions for Indian educational institutions. We guarantee that you shall experience seamless school administration & management software for all the requirements.


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