The question that many bloggers who start working in this world ask themselves:  what is a link? They are hyperlinks, inserted with the HTML code, which allow you to reach a web document through a simple action.

That is a click with the left mouse button. Links are the soul of the web and allow you to create the documents that we browse and discover every day to get information. So, let’s delve into the subject?

The topics of the post

  • What is a link and what is it for
  • How to put an HTML link
  • Insert a Link in WordPress
  • How many types of links are there
  • Have any other questions about links?

inks are also a ranking factor for Google, which evaluates the quality of a document also by the number and type of links.

That’s why you often pay for link building and link earning, always complex techniques that allow you to obtain quality inbound links.

How to put an HTML link

You don’t just have to understand what a link is, but also how to insert it. For WordPress, there are commands in the WYSIWYG editor that correspond to the chain image. Just select the anchor text and click on the icon to insert the link.


To add the code you need to use the <a> attribute, which is used to pass from one element to another. It can be used in different situations but the most common is with a href which allows you to switch between hypertext documents with a permalink.

Insert a Link in WordPress

The operation is very simple. To add a link in WordPress just select the word you are interested in and click on the chain icon.

Then a field opens in which you can add the URL or search for a keyword: the CMS offers you all the articles that you could add as an internal link, a very interesting solution for managing internal links on WordPress.

How many types of links are there

The links, which can be internal and external, are accompanied by certain HTML attributes, such as the target = ”_ blank” to open the page in another tab.

But one of the most famous is the Nofollow attribute which tells Google not to consider a link in SEO terms. To learn more I suggest you read here:

  • How to get quality links
  • How to insert outbound links
  • How much is a link worth

Remember that nofollow can be defined more carefully thanks to other attributes such as rel = ”sponsored” for promotional links and rel = ”UGC” for User Generated Content. That is, the contributions posted by users such as comments. To learn more, you can read the official Google guide.

Have any other questions about links?

Perfect, leave everything in the comments. In this way, KissAnime can broaden the topic and answer the questions of those looking for information on the subject of internal and outgoing links. Maybe even inbound, the classic inbound links that SEOs like me so much.


Alex Musk

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