amazon PPC agency

How to Structure Amazon PPC Campaigns

Start with a simple structure for your campaign and expand from there. It is sensible starting with Sponsored Product campaigns. They are the most effective way to gain exposure quickly for your products. When you’re established on Amazon it is possible to increase the reach of your ads by including Sponsored Brands, or even DSP.

Sponsored Products are heavily dependent on the search terms of consumers. If a searcher searches to find “vacuum cleaner bags”, the ads will be matched to the search phrase to display the user of your product in the result. Sponsored ads for products need to be carefully planned to make sure that you’re not running around in circles and spending your advertising dollars on making bids that aren’t worth it using the wrong terms for the wrong goods.

Pro Tip: Take the best amazon PPC agency help to build proper Amazon PPC campaigns. I recommend you to use SellerApp Amazon PPC services to create the best PPC campaigns.

Understanding Product Grouping for Ad Campaigns

Some sellers run catch-all promotions that include every item that they have in their catalog in the hopes that they can catch any item they may be absent from other, more specific, campaigns. Let’s say that you just released the latest travel cup. You’d like to launch an identical PPC campaign for this new product in conjunction with an older model that you’re looking to get rid of. 

These products have different qualities with different margins, at various levels of their lifecycles, and face different competition It doesn’t make sense to employ the identical bidding strategy for each set of products. It’s a challenge to allocate money in different ways depending on the goals of those two different groups. In this instance, a flawed PPC campaign structure can lead to excessive spending and miss opportunities. It’s almost impossible to optimize these campaigns.

Beware of this by deliberately grouping products in ad groups or campaigns. Every campaign must have a clear goal. The way you organize your campaigns will be determined by your goals, catalog, and personal preferences. If you’re just beginning to get started in Amazon PPC advertising and building your first campaigns, or are an experienced seller and have been running campaigns that might have benefited from restructuring the first thing you’ll have to look over your catalog.

Take into consideration the product’s margins, lines of business, and goals for the product to determine the most effective advertisement design.

Product Line

One method of grouping products is to group them by product Line or Parent ASINs. This is the most precise and efficient way to categorize products. All ASINs that are children should be part of the ad group which can be grouped or in a separate grouping for a better-targeted method.


Also, make sure that the products you use that you use in your ad campaigns have the same margins. This will allow you to control your bids in a granular manner in determining your prices.

If you’d like to compete more aggressively for products with a 40 percent margin, compared to one that has a 14 percentage margin You’ll be able to determine the margins by arranging your campaigns based on margins. It is a good idea to stay clear of grouping products that have more than a 10% margin gap. If you’re grouping your ASIN by a parent You’re already doing this.

Product Goals

In addition, when you’re organizing items in campaigns, it’s crucial to consider the goals of the product. Each product in the campaign should have an objective. If you don’t organize your campaign according to objectives, you’ll end up overbidding certain products and underbidding others.

Your goals must reflect where the product is at and also your long-term strategies for your business. The way you bid on the product your launch will be different from when a product is in the profit stage. If your PPC advertisement isn’t brand new, as well as your products not new to Amazon and other marketplaces, they’re not likely to perform as well as they should. 

Launching a new product takes the time to collect data on which keywords are effective and the bidding strategy that works best. It takes time to accumulate scores and ratings.


Stella Sharon