Firework Safety Rules That Everyone Should Follow

Firework Safety Rules That Everyone Should Follow


Fireworks are a fun way to spend your Fourth of July, but they come with some very important rules. Here are my favourite fireworks safety tips: Nemesis fireworks are the best fireworks.

Store Fireworks in a Cool, Dry Place

  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place.
  • Don’t store them near flammable materials.
  • Don’t store them near children or pets.
  • Don’t store them near a heat source. You don’t want your fireworks to be caught in the flames of a fire or heater!
  • Also, avoid storing them in your car—no matter how careful you think you are, there’s always a chance that your car will get too hot and damage the fireworks inside it!

Check the Label Before Using It

The label on the firework should have all the information you need. It will tell you everything from how far away to keep it from people and pets to whether it’s okay for you to use it in your location.

If there are no warnings on the label, don’t use those fireworks!

Don’t Throw Fireworks at Another Person

You might be tempted to point the fireworks at people or even throw them at your friends. But these can be dangerous and illegal acts. Never point a firework at another person, and don’t throw any fireworks in their general direction. The same goes for animals—don’t let your pets run around with sparklers on their tails! If you do come across an injured animal after using fireworks, contact your local humane society immediately.

Never Experiment or Attempt To Make Your Own Fireworks

Never experiment or attempt to make your own fireworks. It’s extremely dangerous, and you can hurt yourself and others in the process. If you’re caught making illegal fireworks, you could face heavy fines and possibly jail time. While the manufacturer might be able to forgive your mistake once, he’ll likely never do business with you again if he catches on that it was your fault for creating dangerous homemade fireworks in order to pass them off as his own product.

Use Outdoors Only

Don’t use fireworks indoors. They are not toys, and they can be dangerous if you don’t follow the safety rules. The safest place to use fireworks is outdoors in a safe, open area.

  • Away from buildings, vehicles, people and pets
  • Away from trees and shrubs
  • Away from dry grass
  • Away from flammable materials (gasoline, gasoline vapours)

Never Relight a “Dud” Firework

It’s a little-known fact that fireworks are like mini-explosions. They are designed to be detonated at a specific time and place, so they can’t be lit and then left unattended. But sometimes, you may come across a firework that isn’t going off—a dud!

We know it’s tempting to just light any old firework up again, but this should not be done unless instructed by the manufacturer on how to do so safely. If you have a dud and want to relight it yourself, take note of these tips:

  • Do not hold the firework in your hand while lighting it; instead, use tongs or pliers
  • Light one end only (and never both ends at once)

Do Not Carry Fireworks in Your Pocket

Never carry fireworks in your pocket. It seems like a good idea to keep them close, but it’s not. If a firework is struck, even by mistake, it could ignite and cause serious injuries.

If you want to be really safe when handling fireworks:

  • Never try lighting a firework with another lit one or even striking two or more together (this can result in an explosion).
  • Never light a firework near dry grass or leaves, and make sure there are no pets nearby when lighting them up!

Care Full While Lighting Fireworks

Before you light a firework, make sure to have your bucket of water nearby. You’ll want to keep that bucket next to the area where fireworks will be lit and not too far away from buildings or cars. This way, if there is an accident, you can put out any fires that may happen quickly.

You should also make sure that no one else is around when lighting your fireworks. If there are other people nearby, make sure they are keeping their distance until the fireworks have been lit and exploded into the sky (or onto the ground). You don’t want anyone getting hurt by an unexpected mishap!

Be careful about where you’re lighting your fireworks—don’t do it near trees or tall grasses because those things could catch on fire easily! Also note: never light a firework indoors!

Never Carry Fireworks in Your Pocket

  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
  • Never light a firework outdoors in windy conditions.
  • Never use homemade fireworks or those you’ve bought on the black market.
  • Always allow sufficient time for all your preparations before lighting any fireworks.

Never Shoot Them Indoors

The outdoor aspect of fireworks is what makes them so fun and exciting. When you shoot them off in your backyard or at an event, you can enjoy the show with friends and family. But if you decide to use them inside your home, things could get serious quickly—especially if they start a fire. If a firework ignites something flammable like paper or clothing, it could cause a large blaze that would be difficult to put out.

Keep Pets Indoors

Pets can be harmed by fireworks, so it’s important to keep them indoors and away from the action. If your pet has a history of aggression, keep it out of the way as well.

Follow These Simple Rules To Be a Safe and Happy Camper!

Fireworks are fun, but they can also be dangerous. Some rules to follow

  • Follow the rules! There are specific regulations for fireworks in your state, so make sure you know what’s allowed before purchasing and using them.
  • Don’t experiment with different types of fireworks on your own. If there is anything you don’t understand about the label or instructions, leave it alone because it might explode unexpectedly!
  • Don’t use fireworks indoors unless they have been specifically designed for indoor use (and even then, only in well-ventilated areas). Many people have been injured or killed by trying this type of experimentation at home – don’t become one of them!


Remember: fireworks are fun, but they can also be dangerous. They can cause serious burns and injuries if not used properly. If you follow these simple rules, you’ll have a blast and stay safe at the same time!


Jonathan Lynch